Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Master Locks Change Combination

Fukushima Power Plant - Status of 15.03.2011 to 16.00

The President 's Nuclear Safety Agency said the nuclear accident at the Fukushima plant should be classified at level 6 of the international INES scale, which ranges from 1 to a maximum of 7. Level 6 is classified as an accident as a serious incident with " significant release of radioactive material outside, in quantities radiologically equivalent to between 1 and 10 PBq of iodine-131, which requires the full implementation to plan counter-measures forming part of an external emergency plan in order to limit serious health effects of the population. "The accident at the nuclear plant at Three Mile Island was classified as 5, while the accident at Chernobyl (Ukraine) in 1986 is classified at level 7.
A no-fly zone around 30 km has been ordered by the Japanese authorities, according to IAEA sources.


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