Friday, April 30, 2010

Leaky Breasts Before Period

4 to 6 May 2010, Brussels - International conference "The novel of the Risorgimento

Approaching the anniversary of 150 years of Italian unification, the historiographical debate has seen two opposing schools of thought (leaving willingly opinions purely instrumental): those who see the Risorgimento and the unrepeatable season of redemption dignity and those who believe the unit a chance process, when not imposed from above. Throughout the history of the novel is particularly useful for studying privileged optics literature, the development of national consciousness in the nineteenth century The conference aims to deepen, thanks to the contributions of twenty scholars of Italian literature, French, Nederland nineteenth century, relations between the Italian and European intellectuals of the nineteenth century and various stages of the process of Italian unification. It is a prospect that has been adopted in several recent studies on nineteenth-century novel, where, however, the novel Risorgimento as such occupies a space very limited.

The conference is divided into four sections: "Preliminaries", "The history, the idea ',' Looking beyond the Alps" and "Myth, history."

The first day (May 4, 2010) and the second day (May 5, 2010) will be devoted to historical novels published or composed before Unit: from the fury of the young Ortis (Foscolo) to the historical novel (Manzoni, Gualtieri, d 'Azeglio, Nievo) and memoirs (Pellico, Ruffini, Rovani).
The second day will continue, focusing on a number of observers from France, Belgium and the Netherlands (Dumas, Didier, Zola, De Coster, Roland Holst-Van der Schalk).
During the last day (May 6, 2010) will be central to the novel "militant" of those who participated in the expedition of the Thousand (Garibaldi, Abba) and the renaissance theme as it appears in the fiction published at the turn of the century XX and XXI.


  • Claudio Gigante, a professor of Italian literature at the French University of Brussels (ULB).
  • Dirk Vanden Berghe, professor of Italian literature at the Flemish University of Brussels (VUB).

Under the patronage of the Prime Minister's Office - Technical Unit of Mission for the Celebration of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy.

Where and when: Brussels, 4-6 May 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Donating Double Red How Often

Francesco Guicciardini, a figure the European

April 28 18:30 European Parliament

Friday, April 2, 2010

Cycle Day 24 And Cervical Mucus

Collodi, the Risorgimento, Pinocchio
Luciano Curreri
Wednesday, April 21, 18:30
Italian Cultural Institute, 38 Rue de Livourne, Brussels

Carlo Lorenzini, better known as Collodi (1826-1890), participates in practice at the Renaissance: it is voluntary to the first and second war of independence (1848-49 and 1859) . She also writes of the Risorgimento microbiografie dedicated to Bettino Ricasoli, Camillo Cavour, Luigi Carlo Farini, Daniele Manin, of that will be used as an instrument during the 50th anniversary of the funeral, in time of war, to say "young people who in addition to Collodi's Pinocchio Collodi [...] There is also a patriot and fighter who is now having to remember. " But before the hermeneutic fascist tendencies, it's Pinocchio to become a symbol of a united Italy and the Italian identity, that good and evil are also the result of the Risorgimento. How agree the fragments of this process that culminates in the libertarian, "anarchist" and his sublime puppet but disappointing final metamorphosis into a good boy?