Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Gabriella Halls A Las Vegas

Campaign for entries

The culture needs to support. Today more than ever. The Committee of the Società Dante Alighieri is based on volunteerism. Our program of lectures and films depends on the contribution of members. Renewing your registration, or groups, you allow us to continue to organize conferences, inviting intellectuals and prominent figures of culture, with the aim of creating a dialogue between Brussels and Italy.

We believe that through the Italian defense is also defends the Italian culture, restoring dignity and rightful place it deserves in other languages \u200b\u200bof Europe in Brussels. The

membership fee is 25 €, students € 5, payable to the account No 643-0043512-36 in the name of Dante Alighieri de Bruxelles at Banca Monte Paschi Belgio.


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