Monday, January 17, 2011

Bushnell Tactical Elite Review

World Migration 2011

World Migration Day
Bruno Schettino, Archbishop of Capua - President of the Episcopal Commission for Migration

The Church today looks carefully, motivated by deep experience human and religious, to migration. Is it not a fact episodic or cyclical, but reveals the presence of structural features in the formation of a new human identity. It is characteristic of our times, human mobility, which is determined by several factors. You travel for business, culture, leisure. Human flows from different countries around the world come to Europe and in Italy, causing more and more the meeting of different cultures in a comparison is not always easy. The accommodation has its difficulties, that can be solved with good will, not only proclaimed, but expressed the works and concrete actions.

integration is more problematic, because it is a cultural process and vital, which calls for a long time and slowly becomes possible through the meeting in time and with future generations. It appears, however, the importance of hospitality as an expression of belonging to one human family.

The migration phenomenon and this is quite unstoppable, although it must be adjusted according to the possibilities of the country's resources friendly. The process is often driven by the global economy, by poverty and social unrest and wars, often tribal and economic. continues >

see also: The Republic

Italian universities The least "international" Migrantes: "Only 3% of foreign students"


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