Monday, February 28, 2011

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books that have made (and unmade), Italy

Tuesday March 1 at 19:00, Italian Cultural Institute, Rue de
Livourne 38, Brussels

"I take inspiration from some newspaper controversy 2009: what will be celebrated in Italy (we wondered), in 2011? The nation or the Italian? The answers were different. There were those who said, the unitary state founded in 1861. Others said: the formation of the Italian nation, dating back to that year. Someone else said: the national consciousness is much older than the Constitution of the Italian unit. In fact, the consciousness (awareness elitist, of course) to be Italians since the Middle Ages, and it is evident in poets like Dante and Petrarch. The "language issue", which lasted for centuries, has played a detector. Dante, Pietro Bembo, Alessandro Manzoni, and finally are the cornerstones of the debate. The intellectual circles foster a consciousness of belonging to a common language (but of the written language and literature) and cultural. Things began to change in the eighteenth century, until after the French Revolution and during and after the Risorgimento, the issue becomes "national" in the sense that they went in search of a common language that was spoken by all citizens as emblematic of this need is precisely Manzoni. The request for a unification policy was instead much later than that of a common literary language, and began to make inroads into intellectual and political elite with the arrival of the French in Italy in 1796. Born a poem, a narrative and a theater (including music) that promoted the spread of the ideologies of the Risorgimento. Concluded the Risorgimento, he saw, however, even the birth of a more aplogetica literature, but critical. " (Arnaldo Di Benedetto)

Arnaldo Di Benedetto is Professor of Italian literature at the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy ' University of Turin. His fields of study prevalent are the work of Torquato Tasso and, more generally, the literature of the Renaissance, the work of Vittorio Alfieri and the eighteenth century, the nineteenth century, and aspects of literature and authors and moments the culture of the twentieth century. He also comparative interests, in particular with reference the relationship between Italian literature and German, and Italian and French.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Enduro extreme: Hell's Gate 120 for parties in the race, he came second!

go to heaven through hell. Concept clear only to those who have crossed the new frontier, the ultimate enduro . It is hard, more, it spits out the soul to overcome obstacles to good mountain goats. Challenge, in short, in the race that you know where and when it begins but that could end soon, too soon for the self-esteem Enduro who has two opponents: the mule and himself. The extreme

in question is called Hell's Gate , the door of Hell, in fact. Canaloni Tuscan Ciocco with various group, we move this way or not going anywhere. They were in 120, came in second, English, Graham Jarvis and the world champion Dougie Lampkin Trial , trailing by 20 minutes. The others, not received, stopped by stones and roots. Why do not they make it? The pictures explain everything ...

Friday, February 18, 2011

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Quirinale a meeting on "the Italian language basic factor of national identity" in the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy

On February 21, 2011 at 11:00 am will be held at the Palace Quirinale a meeting on "the Italian language basic factor of national identity", as part of the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy. The event is sponsored by the Presidency of the Republic with the collaboration of the Accademia dei Lincei, the Academy of the Bran, and the Institute of the Italian Dante Alighieri Society. On the same day will be opened in the Hall of Flags of the Quirinale, the exhibition "A journey through the masterpieces of Italian literature. Francesco De Sanctis and the Unification of Italy, sponsored by the Foundation De Sanctis, which will be open to the public on Tuesday, February 22 Sunday, April 3: "A journey - wrote the head of state in catalog of the exhibition - among the masterpieces that have ingrained in us a sense of belonging to a community of language and ideals. " continues

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In recent weeks, North Africa is experiencing a political awakening that has already led to the fall of the Presidents of Egypt and Tunisia, Ben Ali and Mubarak. Algeria experienced a period voltage el'onda of protest against the ruling regimes do not seem to stop. The countries of the Maghreb, Libya, Egypt and Sudan, counted 220 million residents and several million illegal immigrants and refugees. Italian soil, about 700,000 are citizens of "regular" from these countries as well as an unknown number of illegal immigrants. Within days, thousands of people have landed on Italian shores in flight from Tunisia. No one can predict what would happen in case of serious instability in Libya or Egypt. continues >>

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On March 17, 2011 united Italy celebrates its 150th anniversary. The celebrations of the founding of the nation state were opened on 5 May by the President of the Republic of the rock Fourth, where in 1860 he left the expedition of the Thousand. Following the route south of Garibaldi, 6 days later, the head of state celebrated the landing at Marsala. And the boys gathered in the square of the Sicilian city has indicated the anniversary as an opportunity to establish a new climate in relations between the various realities of the country, in the way that looks at each other, with the ultimate goal of a renewed and stronger units: that is, We can be certain, the only guarantee for our common future and in particular the only guarantee for your future. "

the 150th anniversary of Unity of Italy Gianni Peg wanted to dedicate a particular calendar that kids can "download " twelve months through the 12 articles recounted the founding of our Constitution.